For Anytime You Need!
The Cove punch card is beneficial to families who need one or two days per week, or for the occasional “drop-in” care. The registration fee and pre-purchase of the punch card is required. We do ask that parents notify us ahead of time if the child will be staying in the Cove. For multiple children, one punch card per child. Please ask for more information.
5 Fun-Filled Drop-In Visits to The Cove: $125.00 ($25.00 per day)
10 Fun-Filled Drop-In Visits to The Cove: $175.00 ($17.50 per day)
20 Fun-Filled Drop-In Visits to The Cove: $305.00 ($15.25 per day) – Best Deal!
Morning Care Punch Card:
10 Drop-In Visits to the morning Cove: $105.00 ($10.50 per day)